Choosing a language for 2009

Written by Piers Cawley on

The Prags will tell you that you should learn a new language every year, and I think they have a point. This year though, I’m going to do things slightly differently. If you read the Healthcheck: Perl article I wrote for Heise Online then you’ve probably worked out that my language for 2009 is Perl 5, version 10 (hopefully it’ll be version 10.1 real soon now). I’m still paid to write ruby for AmazingTunes in my day job, but Perl’s the language I learned to program with and developments around Moose and its extensions mean that Perl in 2009 is a different language from the one I pretty much stopped using a couple of years ago.

The Prags will tell you that you should learn a new language every year, and I think they have a point. This year though, I’m going to do things slightly differently. If you read the Healthcheck: Perl article I wrote for Heise Online then you’ve probably worked out that my language for 2009 is Perl 5, version 10 (hopefully it’ll be version 10.1 real soon now). I’m still paid to write ruby for AmazingTunes in my day job, but Perl’s the language I learned to program with and developments around Moose and its extensions mean that Perl in 2009 is a different language from the one I pretty much stopped using a couple of years ago.

Time to get reacquainted.

I’m hedging my bets mind - I’m also working through Real World Haskell (which still sounds like an oxymoron - I probably haven’t read enough of it yet).

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